This website is for foreign nationals living in Japan to learn the Japanese language in order to communicate in Japanese and be able to use it in daily life. Learning contents can be chosen based on your Japanese level, the situation that interests you, and keywords.
Study and use Japanese to connect with society and broaden life’s possibilities.
○장 소 : 이끼이끼프라자 6F 시청각실
○일 정 : 금요일 10:00 ~ 11:30
○요 금 : 500円 (1개월)
Địa điểm(場所)Iki-Iki-Plaza 6F
Khi nào(いつ?)Thứ sáu 10:00-11:30
Học phí(いくら?) 500 yên/1 tháng
にちじ |
きんようび 10:00〜11:30 |
ばしょ |
いきいきぷらざ 6かい かいぎしつ |
ないよう |
にほんごで はなす、かく、よむ。げーむをする。せいかつのことをはなす。 |
りょうきん |
いっかげつ 500えん |
といあわせ |
こくさいこうりゅうきょうかい |
でんわ |
0557ー86−6233 |